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    Recovering from Whiplash Requires Patience

    Whiplash is an injury that is often associated with rear-end car accidents. However,it can occur any time a person’s head moves back and forth suddenly with great force. Think of a drop on a roller coaster or hitting a wall on a bicycle. Such actions cause the muscles and ligaments in the neck to be stretched and overextended. Sometimes,the ligaments and tendons actually tear,increasing the pain and the length of recovery and possibly calling for a -.

    Symptoms of Whiplash

    Symptoms usually appear over 24 hours after the incident,although some of the inflammation and bruising might not be felt for a few days. It is common to experience stiffness and pain in the neck. More serious effects are blurred vision,dizziness and headaches at the base of the skull. Immediate medical attention is needed if the arms become numb or weak. There is also the possibility of ongoing symptoms such as memory problems,ringing in the ears and chronic pain in the neck and shoulders.

    Whiplash Treatment

    Recovering from whiplash usually takes just a few weeks but really depends on the extent of the damage and the individual’s capacity for healing. Approximately one third of whiplash victims do have chronic or intermittent pain for years. It is important to follow treatment instructions that usually include:

    • Applying heat or cold to the neck for 15 minutes several times a day

    • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers as suggested by a physician

    • Taking prescription pain medication and/or muscle relaxants as directed by a physician

    • Attending physical therapy with follow-up exercises to do at home to increase strength and flexibility of neck

    • Learning and practicing relaxation techniques

    Recovering from whiplash does not happen quickly,which is why you want a -. However,to prevent chronic pain,it is most important to be faithful and consistent with any exercise or relaxation routine. The most successful exercise is usually patience and commitment to a full recovery.

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